Artomatic again
Artomatic is a big wild show. It is eight floors of art spaces and performance venues. There are tidy galleries, graffiti walls, installations, a labrynth, a coffin, places to sit and places to dance. It is totally run by volunteers and donations.
The core team finds a building, one either about to be renovated or torn down and they negotiate terms so that artists and performers can take the space and transform it into a giant art space. If you can pay the fee and do the volunteer hours, no one is turned away. There is no censoring or discrimination. There is a lot of great art, a lot of okay art and some art that might not be for you. There are also poetry readings, live music, demonstrations, a marketplace and DJ’s.
Confusingly called Artomatic 25 in 2024, this is the 25th year in it’s existence, although not the 25th show. The last show was in 2017. I last did Artomatic in 2012.
In that year, friends Ralph and Darrah Baden convinced me that I should do it. So I signed up, and selected a spot. But then I felt remorse because my dad was in serious decline and tending to him was occupying all my time. But then, two weeks later, he died. Suddenly I had lots of time. And going to my space, painting, planning the show, and displaying my work was the most therapeutic thing I could have done for myself.
So I have positive feelings about Artomatic.
This year I did have to get cajoled a little, but I signed up. I can’t say a major life event rearranged my schedule this time around. I just had to make the time to prepare my show. It was pretty intense, and the installation time was short, so I had to focus. I ending up paying for two spaces so that I could have an entire room. I didn’t want to split the space with someone whose work might not complement mine, and I have plenty of work to display.
I put in a selection of small matted prints, a few framed items, some large experimental pieces I had just made and some of my sculptural pieces. I am happy with my room, the cool blue walls are inviting and serene.
The show runs for about two months, From March 9, through April 28, 2024 at 2100 M Street NW, Washington, DC. Check the website for times and events.
I hope to see you there.